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FAPR Intento Record Guinness (NUC Ponce)

Posledná aktualizácia 20.07.2024 18:00:08, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Sotelo Kohama, Daniel3100170PUR2186Guayama
2FMGerena Rivas, Eliam3103790PUR2098Arecibo
3CMBoggiano Pereira, Miguel A.3102750PUR2026Mayaguez
4CMZilleruelo Irizarry, Diego3101460PUR2025San Juan
5Ng Mora, Jeffrey3109380PUR1902Coamo
6Ng Mora, Joshua3109399PUR1894Coamo
7Pedrosa Rivera, Joshua3110850PUR1423Ponce
8Blanco Segarra, Victor3104753PUR0Ponce
9Mercado, David3115283PUR0
10Resto Feliciano, Cesar3115291PUR0
11Velez Labrador, Joan E.3114457PUR0
12Perez Quinones, Malcom J.3113035PUR0