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7th Chiba Chess Festa in Kashiwa  第七回千葉チェスフェスタ in 柏

Վերջին արդիացում14.07.2024 09:03:49, Creator/Last Upload:

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Saito Hiromasa27167921775
2Ishii Ichiro70264251741
3Tomii Yoshikatsu93320421725
4Uetani Toshiaki67360621627
5Aoki Yasuhiro78521411560
6Uehara Jun21450331512
7Ogasa Seiichi84604931496
8Yamada Atsushi67086521315U15
9Hoshino Masashi100000181308
10Kato Masakazu72063291239bye 1.2.5R
11Hara Toshifumi58156701197
12Ohara Haruhisa01077NON
13Suzuki Rei5692792866U10
14Murata Den5563205652U10
15Suzuki Rittoku4044749400U10
16Iihoshi Hibito00NON U10
17Ikeda Sena00NON U10
18Suzuki Kaito00NON U10bye 3.4.5R