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Championnat National Individuel Dames - 2024

Last update 08.07.2024 19:04:38, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1Danwe, Maissiri Carole16401239CMR1920SCC
2Wefang, Lucrece16401980CMR1900FaF
3Tchouateu, Tankeu Stephanie16400470CMR1820SCC
7Dipoko, Ebosse Jeanine Victoria16402545CMR0
5WCMMagne, Kouokam Sylviane16400402CMR0BCC
6Maguiafain, Kouokam Josiane16401930CMR0PCCA
8Mballa, Onomo Jacqueline16401921CMR0
4Sohna, Corine16402383CMR0FaF