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The Opening Ceremony is on 8th July at 14.00 in the International Chess Academy

2nd International Rustam Kasimdzhanov Cup 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.07.2024 12:47:47, Creator/Last Upload: Uzbekistan Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek14204118UZB2724
7GMRapport, Richard738590ROU2718
9GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar13401319AZE2683
6GMGrischuk, Alexander4126025FID2670
8GMKasimdzhanov, Rustam14200244UZB2648
2GMSindarov, Javokhir14205483UZB2646
4GMMaghsoodloo, Parham12539929IRI2644
5GMYakubboev, Nodirbek14203987UZB2546
3GMVokhidov, Shamsiddin14204223UZB2536
10GMVakhidov, Jakhongir14201801UZB2521