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Championnat National Individuel 2024 - OPEN

Last update 22.07.2024 19:51:50, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1IMAmba, Oyon Marius Claude16400240CMR2083
2FMEbosse, Kingue Victor Patrick16400291CMR2040DCA
3CMMakem, Pierre11000805CMR1943YCC
4Ndjolock, Simon16402480CMR1935DCA
5Zebaze, Dongmo Loic Dylane16401107CMR1919DCA
6Metuno, Kuete Bleriot Rocalixt16401131CMR1916SCC
7Tchantchou, Franklin Legrand16402464CMR1860
8Tene, Ebosse Victor Samuel16402502CMR1860
9Dalagon, Boris Guy16402057CMR1829PCCA
10Tankio, Brice16402570CMR1828SCC
11Tchuenbou, Michael16400704CMR1823
12Tanko, Sycha16402413CMR1820SCC
13Mbaale, Paul Gerard16400780CMR1814YCC
14Ambomo, Nnanga Claude Herve16401867CMR1813DISC
15Ewane, Edmond Franki16402170CMR1806AZP