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1000GM 2024 NY Scheveningen E Summer Invitational

Last update 12.07.2024 03:55:48, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1IMLapshun, Yury2006960USA2331
2GMRohde, Michael2000172USA2286
3FMPressman, Leif2023547USA2234
4Khodzhamkuliev, Bahadur24135046RUS2172
5WIMMou, Iris30939836USA2165
6IMBonin, Jay2000644USA2133
7Safranek, William30919908USA2119
8Shangin, Lev55681085USA2031
9Mottola, Max30985862USA2001
10WFMGaw, Chloe30966892USA2000