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1er Torneo Suizo Entrenamiento SFCC-PV

Last update 14.07.2024 18:24:37, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank

1Perez, Andres54787688ESP1836Proyecto 64
2Cuesta, Cristofer3537145CUB1662Smile Factory
3Figueira, Samuel6613047PAN1653BrainMasterGym
4Ibanez, Sebastian6604633PAN1651Chess Logistic
5Rodriguez, Jose6618790PAN1634Proyecto 64
6Quintero, Jose6614540PAN1606Smile Factory
7Cruz, Marianela6616208PAN1599Proyecto 64
8Avendano, Alessia6624251PAN1598Proyecto 64
9Castillo, Giancarlo6605664PAN1558Smile Factory
10Walker, Etahn6611451PAN1544Proyecto 64