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On July 20, 2024, the International Chess Day, FIDE celebrates its 100th Years anniversary.

On this day, FIDE will attempt to set the Guiness World Record for the most chess games played in 24hours.

You can be part of this huge history whether you are a Grandmaster or a beginner . From malls , villages or cities , school halls and digital arenas.


FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt Chess Games - Under 10

Sidst opdateret 20.07.2024 17:56:49, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Start rangliste

1Arul Murugan, YuganBOT0Broadhurst Primary
2Chimwe, KaylorBOT0TLCS
3Elboghdadi, AliBOT0Battlesquare Chess Academy
4France, Atsile AlesegoBOT0Battlesquares Chess Academy
5Kaboyaone, Armour KarlBOT0Hibiscus Learners Academy
6Keaketswe, RealebogaBOT0TLCS
7Manyaapelo, ArefaBOT0Chess Interactions
8Mirembe, JireBOT0TDS
9Moabi, ThoboBOT0Chess Interactions
10Mokefane, Motseki KopanoBOT0Battlesquares Chess Academy
11Mothei, QuirkBOT0Baobab School
12Mwesigwa, EbenezerBOT0TDS
13Oketa, PerryBOT0Chess Interactions
14Perumalsamy, LogsaranBOT0TLCS
15Pesic, MatijaBOT0TLCS
16Rajendrakumar, VarunBOT0TLCS
17Rakereng, MichelleBOT0Chess Interactions
18Sandeep, SanjayBOT0Broadhurst Primary
19Seakgosing, KgatontleBOT0Baobab School
20Sibisibi, LegakwaBOT0Chess Interactions
21Das, AbielBOT0TLCS