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Winner £100 runner-up £80

Wimbledon Rapidplay 202412 U1700

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.12.2024 12:41:27, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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1Fernandez Santos, Nicolas32097875ESP1680
2Cooper, Ben343419178ENG1670
3Bogerd, Ethan343407323ENG1660
4ACMSriram, Gautam498491ENG1613
5He, Edison343437303ENG1573
6Horwood, Torrey343405193ENG1547
7Greenland, Jake481955ENG1520
8Zhang, Yichen498068ENG1514
9Singla, Keshav343445080ENG1480
10Ganbold, Ayush4927680MGL0
11Newton, David2405091SCO0
12Shortt, John343442420ENG0
13Singh-Raj, Aryan343421237ENG0
14Smith, Barry343457690ENG0