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2024 Winter Open Tournament U14

Վերջին արդիացում06.07.2024 20:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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1Batloung, LeselaLES0
2Fako, LetsieLES0
3K'eme, KabeloLES0
4Khapung, ThatoLES0
5Khoabane, MakhoabaneLES0
6Lefuma, KaraboLES0
7Letuka, ThaboLES0
8Makoae, MolaoliLES0
9Maseatile, NaleliLES0
10Masekhoane, LeselaLES0
11Mateisi, SeeisoLES0
12Mohapi, MphoLES0
13Mosesane, TlotlaLES0
14Moshesha, ThapeloLES0
15Mothibe, BohlokoaLES0
16Phera, HlengiweLES0
17Rasephei, Junior EthanLES0
18Tsilo, KananeloLES0
19Tsosane, TiisetsoLES0
20Mabote, ThabeloLES0
21Mabote, Ts'itsoLES0