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Circuito BitiaChess Torneo III

Seinast dagført07.07.2024 20:24:48, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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1IMDuran Vega, Sergio6501311CRC2300
2Zuniga Garcia, German8407576HON1877
3Fajardo Ponce, David8400601HON1812
4Gomez Dubon, Francisco8410100HON1806
5Interiano Montoya, Roberto8400784HON1778
6Bonilla Egan, Emerson8411107HON1752
7WCMCruz, Bitia8400644HON1736
8Reinhard Moller, Gustavo7306970GUA1728
9Espinal Ferrufino, Rigoberto8400946HON1727
10Reinhard Pinto, Dietmar7302770GUA1722
11Lopez Serpas, Josue8406235HON1698
12Perdomo, Hesler8407010HON1676
13Reinhard Moller, Kerstin Danielle7306997GUA1642
14Alvarado Fajardo, Elder8407975HON1636
15Gavarrete, Jonathan Ariel8407398HON1628
16Oseguera, Suhey8402183HON1590
17Sequeiros Alvarado, Rafael8410283HON1587
18Merino Vallecillo, Angela Sofia8410062HON1569
19Guzman Velasquez, Arsen Sebastian8410054HON1566
20Benavides Diaz Del Valle, Luis8407460HON1558
21Polanco, Sara8412839HON1507
22Reinhard Moller, Friedrich Stefan7306989GUA1462
23Benavides, Luis David8410011HON1458
24Merino, Nelson Rogelio8410135HON1425
25Bonilla, Jose Carlos8414092HON0
26Canales, Mateo8414106HON0
27Escoto Cueva, Jose Manuel8414262HON0
28Guevara Amaya, Diego Andres8414190HON0
29Herrera, Andres8412901HON0
30Martinez Rodriguez, Andres Emanuel8411298HON0
31Mendoza, Gary8408696HON0
32Navarrete Calix, Eric Johel8414173HON0
33Rodriguez Lopez, Jesus Alejandro8414378HON0
34Villeda, AlexHON0