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Peon Suizo I Վերջին արդիացում06.07.2024 06:32:24, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Rico Solis
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Amezquita, Gustavo | | MEX | 2200 |
2 | | Calleja, Miguel Angel | | MEX | 2150 |
3 | | Cuazitl, Ricardo | | MEX | 2100 |
4 | | Darien, Alexander | | MEX | 2000 |
5 | | Robles, Bhrayaan | | MEX | 1950 |
6 | | Sivilla Baruch, Luis | | MEX | 1900 |
7 | | Toral, Javier | | MEX | 1880 |
8 | | Pacheco, Gabriel | | MEX | 1800 |
9 | | Garcia, Jesus | | MEX | 1780 |
10 | | Cortes, Ulises | | MEX | 1750 |
11 | | Cesena, Gael | | MEX | 1700 |
12 | | Gutierrez, Adrian | | MEX | 1650 |
13 | | Morales, Marcos | | MEX | 1600 |
14 | | Cruz, David | | MEX | 1550 |
15 | | Sanchez, Magner | | MEX | 1500 |