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Last update 06.07.2024 22:38:04, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ CON PROPÓSITO AC

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1Martinez Gutierrez, Luis SergioMEX1800
2Zarate Veloz, Marco Antonio5151210MEX1756Hidalgo
3Islas Alvarez, Luis Angel5146429MEX1755Hidalgo
4Vazquez, Islas Ivan5150930MEX1739Veracruz
5Rubio Enciso, Edson5157765MEX1728Hidalgo
6Duran, Arosquita Miguel Angel5157455MEX1718Hidalgo
7Islas Padilla, Fabian29601363MEX1709Hidalgo
8Perez, Cervantes VladimirMEX1708Hidalgo
9Salas San Juan, MarcelinoMEX1703
10Ramirez Gonzalez, Joseph LudwigMEX1700
11Lopez, Vera Daniel29612004MEX1691Hidalgo
12Moya, Villanueva Jose Luis5172667MEX1681Hidalgo
13Moya, Hernandez Ian FabianMEX1662Hidalgo
14Flores, Martinez Teofilo29609003MEX1649Hidalgo
15Cedeño De Jesus, Romel LoenidasMEX1647
16Juarez, Quintero RicardoMEX1581Nuevo Leon
17Moreno, Delgado Antonio5149371MEX1577Estado De Mexico
18Melo, Ramirez Cristopher EnriqueMEX1564Hidalgo
19Jimenez, Espinoza Juan CarlosMEX1543Hidalgo
20Aviles, Jimenez FernandoMEX1400Hidalgo
21Avila Diaz, FernandaMEX0
22Camargo Martinez, Dairon EmirMEX0
23Carpio Callejas, Diana XimenaMEX0
24Castañeda Moreno, Victor HugoMEX0
25Copca Lara, CupertinoMEX0
26Diaz Luna, Kevin OscarMEX0
27Hernandez, EvelynMEX0
28Horta Hernandez, YahirMEX0
29Lozano Torres, Marino AlexanderMEX0
30Peña Serrano, Jose AbrahamMEX0
31Rodriguez, Daniel AlexanderMEX0
32Rodriguez Vazquez, AlbertoMEX0
33Rosales Gomez, YahirMEX0
34Vargas Manzano, Jesus EmmanuelMEX0