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Final JDN Rapid Individual Abs U16

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.07.2024 18:23:43, Creator/Last Upload: caraya

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

3Valverde Vega, Santiago6526110CRC1518Montes de Oca
7Estrada Rodriguez, Hendrik6532438CRC1503Naranjo
4Guardiola Gonzalez, Jose Daniel6548563CRC1438Esparza
6Alvarez Gonzalez, Cristopher6559468CRC0Puriscal
5Herrera Carmona, Jhoel6557864CRC0Poas
1Miranda Barrientos, Gabriel6561047CRC0Belen
2Torres Rodriguez, Daniel Iosev6561020CRC0Corredores