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Final JDN Clasico Individual Fem U12

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.07.2024 00:05:01, Creator/Last Upload: Josue Amaya

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

4Mayorga Araya, Larissa6523919CRC1812Belen
3Serrano Fonseca, Rachel Nicole6556221CRC1574Perez Zeledon
1Corrales Corrales, Ana Maria6561071CRC1573Perez Zeledon
6Moraga Espinoza, Christina6562159CRC1512Santo Domingo
5Mena Paz, Ezly Yalena6554946CRC1444Codea
2Gutierrez Zapata, Mariana6563627CRC1434Belen
7Mesen Diaz, Emma6559689CRC1419Puriscal