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FAPR Intento Record Guinness (NUC Mayaguez)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 20:05:39, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Matos Santoni, Gamalier3102009PUR1863Moca
2Gonzalez Carrion, Otilio3101975PUR1825Brooklyn
3Ramirez Zea, Juan P.3109682PUR1746Mayaguez
4Morales Butler, Emmanuel J.3110141PUR1618Quebradillas
5Torres Acosta, Gael3110770PUR1585San German
6Rivera Vega, Jadiel O.3113418PUR1535
7Perez Perez, Danay3109755PUR1513Aguada
8Deliz Lopez, Adan G.3109453PUR0San Sebastian
9Gonzalez Mendez, Aluna3114937PUR0Lajas
10Gonzalez Mercado, Christian3111407PUR0Quebradillas
11Gonzalez Rivera, Billy J.3112969PUR0Lajas
12Malave Pallens, Meralis3114953PUR0Quebradillas
13Massanet Cruz, John A.3102149PUR0San German
14Montes Irrizarry, Luis R.3101401PUR0San German
15Morales Luciano, Carlos E.3114341PUR0San German
16Portuondo Gonzalez, Juan R.3115275PUR0Mayaguez
17Ramirez Zea, Rafael J.3109690PUR0Mayaguez
18Rodriguez Salgado, Alberto3102327PUR0San German
19Rodriguez Torres, Ian M.3114791PUR0Ponce