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ukáž detaily turnaja
CAMPEONATO PAULISTA DE VETERANOS (65+) ABS R$ 1.400,00 EM PREMIOSPosledná aktualizácia 07.08.2024 01:34:33, Creator/Last Upload: anderson willians
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | Elo |
1 | IM | Herman C. Van Riemsdijk | 2100053 | 2249 |
2 | IM | Edson Kenji Tsuboi | 2100274 | 2187 |
3 | NM | Paulo Tarcisio Garcia Leal | 2102064 | 2034 |
4 | | Jose Adolfo Vallejos | 2105918 | 1924 |
5 | | Jose Antonio Vallejos | 2108259 | 1885 |
6 | | Milton Eto | 22708286 | 1771 |
7 | | Expedito Santana | 2103834 | 1611 |
8 | | Wagner Maria Gangini Ferreira | 22707069 | 1486 |