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Default time for paired players is 15 minutes

SCC 2nd Saturday Special Rated Rapid July 2024 - Sponsored by FunStation

Darrera actualització07.07.2024 00:24:23, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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Rànquing inicial

1FMJoseph, Marcus7700393TTO2174
2FMCupid, Kevin7700512TTO2159
3James, Keevin7701373TTO1920
4Ramadhar, Kishore7700091TTO1899
5Grant, Ian7701497TTO1875
6Ramdath, Simon7702515TTO1835
7Khafra, Enen-Sa-Tefa Ab7704844TTO1791
8Samuel Bisnath, Kael7706880TTO1732
9Sookraj, Druva7705352TTO1676
10Seebreth, Hasani7712162TTO1656
11Busch, Hans-Hinrich16242327GER1630
12Ali, Reaz7712480TTO1619
13Sookraj, Sameer7713363TTO1610
14Harry, Caleb7710003TTO1538
15Paul, Trevor7705662TTO1524
16Rodriguez, Micah7711930TTO1517
17James, Ethan7706782TTO1480
18Jones, Marcus7710135TTO1409
19Ali, Catherine7709552TTO0w
20Dookran, Rhys7712642TTO0
21Marshall, Messiah7712065TTO0
22Marshall, Noah7712073TTO0