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Last update 22.11.2024 21:43:10, Creator/Last Upload: Membrives Pino, Didac

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Round 2 on 2024/09/27 at 19:00

Bo.WhiteGrTypRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackGrTypRtg
1Martinez Rodriguez, Jose GregorioA18521 0 - 11 MKCano Sevilla, Ivan2137
2Layola Barrionuevo, Oriol20971 0 - 11 Sanchez Sanchez, IgnasiA1855
3Gomez Figueroa, Manuel20171 1 - 01 Mestres Gonzalez, DavidA1826
4Domene Olle, DaniA18171 ½ - ½1 CMMiralles Brugues, JordiA1985
5Diaz Carrasco, SergioA19511 1 - 01 Costa Trave, JaumeAS651803
6Madrid Sole, PedroA17851 0 - 11 AFMVargas Drechsler, CarlosA1932
7Zhanghuang, QiyeBU1414301 0 - 11 Chavero Trujillo, LuisA1903
8Abad Sanmartin, Jorge18991 1 - 01 Ramos Rodrigalvarez, AsierU141366
9Dominguez Diaz, FranciscoBS6515920 0 - 10 Quero Ortega, JuanAS651784
10Ysern Comas, Juan AntonioB17410 1 - 00 Ramon Arrufat, AlbertB1601
11Villa Cardenas, JorgeBS6517200 1 - 00 Membrives Cano, DiegoBS651572
12Del Campo, CasimiroB15630 0 - 10 Maqueda Berdugo, FranciscoBS651719
13Madrid Sole, AntonioBS6517110 1 - 00 Onate Diaz, ManuelBS651553
14Carrasco Pedro, Jose MariaBS6515340 0 - 10 Subirana Santos, MarcBS651680
15Sanz Prat, JavierB16510 1 - 00 Ramon Garcia, AlbertB1503
16Jose Muñoz, Marcos14800 0 - 10 Font Sharapa, RuslanBU141626
17Sanz Sanz, AlvaroU1416100 1 - 00 Garcia Perez, BrooklynU141400
18Zinkl, Thomas20171 0 not paired 
19Fernandez Guerrro, FranciscoA19111 0 not paired 
20Martin-Caro Molon, JulianB17411 0 not paired 
21Terol Lopez, CarlesB17330 0 not paired