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Canacona Taluka Inter School under -14 Boys Selection Tournament-2024

Last update 04.07.2024 03:23:04, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

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Team-Starting rank

1Balram A Day care school1000
2Balram Resi. High School Amone1000
3PM Shree GHS Gaval Khola1000
4Shree Katyayani Baneshwar Vidyalay1000
5Shri Damodar Vidyalay Loliem1000
6Shri Mallikarjun H/S Canacona1000
7Shri Nirakar Vidyalay Mashem1000
8Shri Shradhanand Vidyalay paingin1000
9St.annes Insitute Agonda1000
10St.Sebastian H/S Loliem1000