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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
2024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U12اخر تحديث14.07.2024 19:28:06, منشئ/آخر رفع: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Karam, Ejeilat | 8114803 | JOR | 1593 |
2 | | Khaled, Seyam | 8121885 | JOR | 1569 |
3 | | Ward, Odeh | 8120536 | JOR | 1543 |
4 | | Mohammad, Al-Sarihin | 8120773 | JOR | 1482 |
5 | | Senan, Rayyan | 8113386 | JOR | 1455 |
6 | | Mohammad, Saadah | 8124418 | JOR | 1446 |
7 | | Ameer, Maigel | 8122997 | JOR | 0 |
8 | | Asem, Al-Jawaldeh | 8114277 | JOR | 0 |
9 | | Ismail, Naser | 8131341 | JOR | 0 |
10 | | Jad, Kanan | | JOR | 0 |
11 | | Jawad, Omari | 8130035 | JOR | 0 |
12 | | Karam, Rustom | 8114196 | JOR | 0 |
13 | | Saif, Alnabulsi | | JOR | 0 |
14 | | Saif, Awad | | JOR | 0 |
15 | | Yahya, Al oqool | | JOR | 0 |
16 | | Zaid, Arafat | 8114870 | JOR | 0 |