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2024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U10

Posledná aktualizácia 14.07.2024 19:17:04, Creator/Last Upload: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Albeshr, Rababah8119112JOR1690
2Abdallah, Khwaira8119864JOR1583
3Shahem, Ejeilat8115940JOR1567
4Adnan, Al Sous8123179JOR0
5Ahmad, Al AwartaniJOR0
6Ahmad, AlsalemJOR0
7Ahmad, Shtaiwi8127450JOR0
8Faisal, SabbaghJOR0
9Farooq, Al KhatibJOR0
10Laith, JaberJOR0
11Mahmoud, Abuhilaleh8127581JOR0
12Moath, Abu Nigmah8124477JOR0
13Rayan, Odeh8120528JOR0
14Rayyan, Abdelrazeq8123098JOR0
15Saif, Shnaneh8128650JOR0
16Sami, Al KhatibJOR0
17Ward, Alzaydeen8124795JOR0
18Yousef, AlshoaibyJOR0