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2024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U8

Last update 12.07.2024 18:26:02, Creator/Last Upload: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Abedullah, AnagrehJOR0
2Ali, Saadah8127808JOR0
3Ali, YaseenJOR0
4Faris, Al KadiJOR0
5Jad, AbuyabesJOR0
6Karam, Ismaeel8127557JOR0
7Laith, Abu Tair8131210JOR0
8Omar, YaseenJOR0
9Shahm, Abuhilaleh8127700JOR0
10Taim, QanairJOR0
11Yaman, Rayyan8124531JOR0
12Yousef, AlnabulsiJOR0