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Campeonato Regional Centro Oeste da Crianca e da Juventude Xadrez BLZ categoria sub 18

Last update 25.07.2024 06:44:33, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

Starting rank list of players

6Diego Miguel de MatosBRA01800BRASILIA - DF
1Arthur de Almeida GatzenmeierBRA01800BRASILIA - DF
5Davi Vinueza Noguerol2192829BRA17631800BRASILIA - DF
4Gabriel Miranda Cavalcanti44782896BRA16801741BRASILIA - DF
2Caua Borges Leite da Silva44701721BRA16241764ITUMBIARA - GO
3Sarah Cristina dos Santos Alves44737416BRA15181763BRASILIA - DF