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Campeonato Regional Centro Oeste da Crianca e da Juventude Xadrez STD categoria sub 14

Last update 24.07.2024 04:15:45, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Starting rank

1Kariny Kaori Shikasho22730931BRA16051789CAMPO GRANDE - MS
2Enzo Barbosa Jansen44757387BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
3Lisa Travassos de Almeida44750021BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
4Mateus Martins Coelho44750056BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
5Pedro Henrique Campos R Camara44769555BRA01800GOIAS
6Vinicius Rodrigues Domingos44778872BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
7Joao Lucas Alves Ferreira Camargo44747748BRA01779BRASILIA - DF
8Rafael de Moraes Reis44790317BRA01800GOIAS