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Torneo fin de curso Colegio Iberoamericano Primaria menor

Last update 02.07.2024 23:07:20, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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1Barreto Zendejas, SofiaMEX0
2Benalcazar, Leonel TadeoMEX0
3Castellanos Fonseca, Dylan DanielMEX0
4Cisneros Vazquez, JulietaMEX0
5Fonseca Perez, Citlali CristinaMEX0
6Gomez de Anda, Regina AlejandraMEX0
7Gonzalez Lomeli, DanteMEX0
8Ibarra Arango, Victoria EstefaniaMEX0
9Linares Rodriguez, Ivana ValentinaMEX0
10Martinez Valdez, MaximoMEX0
11Mercado Torres, Emiliano AlfonsoMEX0
12Miranda Barcena, Andrea PauletteMEX0
13Morales Torres, Isaac AlexanderMEX0
14Rodriguez Gonzalez, Aurora LynetteMEX0
15Rodriguez Gonzalez, Ricardo SaidMEX0
16Salas Flores, Iker AleckMEX0
17Tolosa Rodriguez, Milan AbrahamMEX0
18Villasenor Diaz, Domingo JulianMEX0