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Arab Man tourmemen th17 open 25-31/12/2007

Seinast dagført06.01.2008 16:10:11, Creator/Last Upload: Yemen Chess Federation

Search for player Leita


1IMEl Gindy, EssamEGY2503
3FMAl-Qudaimi BasheerYEM2428
4IMSalem A.R SalehUAE2404
5FMHussein ,H,AIRQ2386
6Maasarani MahmoodLBN2143
8FMAl-Hadrani HatimYEM2307
9FMBelouadah SaadALG2305
10Chahrani IbrahimLBA2274
11FMAl Badani AbduYEM2235
12FM Ayyad MaherBRN2165
13Elobeid Asim AliSUD2125
14Abo AL,resh KhaledPAL0