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Campeonato Regional Centro Oeste da Crianca e da Juventude Xadrez BLZ categoria SUB 12

Last update 25.07.2024 06:57:08, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

Starting rank list of players

1Luis Francisco Barreto Leite44749902BRA18381813BRASILIA - DF
3CecĂ­lia Maria Barbacena de Carvalho44758375BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
4Guilherme Nogueira Di Soares44733542BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
5Thomas Guerin Mateus44769679BRA01800BRASILIA - DF
6Felipe Martins Coelho44749961BRA01639BRASILIA - DF
2Joao De Oliveira Badauy44737181BRA15851790BRASILIA - DF