BASEL AUTUMN FESTIVAL 2024 EXPERT Open (max 1900 Elo Fide Std)

Organizer(s)Claudio Boschetti - Swiss CHess Tour
Tournament directorIA Jean Dominique Coqueraut (ITA) 811343
Chief-ArbiterFA Tiziana Balzarini (ITA) 2803637
Deputy Arbiter NA Claudio Boschetti (SUI) 1300920
ArbiterFA Beat Spielman (SUI) 1329774, NA Roberto Cattomi ... All arbiters
Bedenkzeit (Standard)90' + 30''
SiteLandgasthof Riehen, Baselstrasse 38, CH-4125 Riehen
Number of rounds5
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/10/18 to 2024/10/20
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 13.08.2024 08:32:56, Creator/Last Upload:

TournamentselectionFIRST CLASS (min 1800 Elo)
EXPERT (max 1900 Elo)
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameterselection no tournament-details
ListsStarting rank list, Alphabetical list of players, Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Time-table
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Starting rank list

1Steiner, Mario1302094SUI1893
2Patel, Palak5020000IND1853
3Morotti, Elisa1348299SUI1702Swiss CHess Academy
4Cattomio, Roberto1345559SUI1674Swiss CHess Academy
5Lengweiler, Fabian1347470SUI1555Dssp
6Gerber, Thomas1356372SUI1507Zürich Nimzowitsch
7Jenny, Karin1359800SUI1208Zürich Nimzowitsch
8Meier, Michael1363433SUI0Winterthur Sg