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Clasificatorio Regional CODICADER (Region Central)

Վերջին արդիացում02.07.2024 07:22:52, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

3Galicia Figueroa, Ariel8407479HON1794Francisco Morazan
4Funes Martinez, Erick Ricardo8412960HON1677Francisco Morazan
5Hernandez Diaz, Jose Isai8411654HON1615Francisco Morazan
6Ordonez Canales, Josue Fernando8411328HON1603Francisco Morazan
1Ardon Amaya, Alexei Alfredo8407703HON0El Paraiso
2Ardon Amaya, Angel Aronyan8407711HON0El Paraiso
8Burgos Villeda, AlejandroHON0Francisco Morazan
7Lobo, Luis Diego8409684HON0Olancho
9Villeda Carcamo, Daniel JoseHON0Olancho