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III Edicion del TorneoRapido Ninja 2024 Վերջին արդիացում05.07.2024 23:26:58, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Mendez, Paulino | 6101380 | NCA | 1898 |
2 | | Espinoza Aranda, Virgilio Antonio | 6101844 | NCA | 1895 |
3 | | Soza Morenio, Francisco Javier | 6109764 | NCA | 1876 |
4 | | Granados, Fidel | 6101054 | NCA | 1873 |
5 | | Cardoza, Cesar Mauricio | 6103022 | NCA | 1868 |
6 | | Trejos Vasquez, Roger Antonio | 6102530 | NCA | 1860 |
7 | | Granados ortiz, Maria Jose | 6103812 | NCA | 1857 |
8 | | Pomares, Enrique | 6103367 | NCA | 1857 |
9 | | Gomez briceño, Paul | 6102450 | NCA | 1849 |
10 | | Hernandez, Nickjail | 6103537 | NCA | 1833 |
11 | | Triana Gutierrez, Milton | 6105700 | NCA | 1828 |
12 | | Lara Zamora, Julio Cesar | 6104568 | NCA | 1807 |
13 | | Moncada, Orlando Jose | 6103405 | NCA | 1801 |
14 | | Rayo Hernandez, Gustavo E | 30901383 | USA | 1794 |
15 | | Cedeño Chavarria, Miguel Agustin | 6106242 | NCA | 1748 |
16 | | Lopez Urbina, Luis Ismael | 6111815 | NCA | 1741 |
17 | | Rodriguez, Emilio Gabriel | 6104126 | NCA | 1714 |
18 | | Avendano Alguera, Fanor Junior | 6111823 | NCA | 1684 |
19 | | Berrios Vanegas, Yanko Antonio | 6107214 | NCA | 1635 |
20 | | Garcia Calderon, Luis Alberto | 6113079 | NCA | 1632 |
21 | | Paiz Morales, Manuel Salvador | 6110959 | NCA | 1622 |
22 | | Urbina Espinoza, Yosthin Antonio | 6112897 | NCA | 1602 |
23 | | Castillo Pacheco, David | 6112781 | NCA | 1552 |
24 | | Godoy Jarquin, German Giovvany | 6113940 | NCA | 0 |
25 | | Hernandez Rojas, Isabella Valentina | 6113559 | NCA | 0 |
26 | | Rivas Molina, Bayardo Antonio | 6113575 | NCA | 0 |
27 | | Rivas Molina, Ruth Eloisa | 6113583 | NCA | 0 |
28 | | Rugama Mendoza, Josue Miguel | 6113044 | NCA | 0 |
29 | | Sanchez Obregon, Cesar Ramon | 6113095 | NCA | 0 |
30 | | Solis Martinez, Genesis Abigail | 6113931 | NCA | 0 |