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Last update 01.07.2024 21:02:02, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Committee

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Starting rank list

1Aly, Talal10629831EGY1960
2Al Mamari, Ali Abdullah22009671OMA1768
3Hussein, Siddig Mohamed12205192SUD1732
4Al Sawafi, Abdul Malik22003380OMA1684
5Al Dhiyabi, Mohammed22002545OMA1680
6Al Rahbi, Ahmed Badar22006427OMA1676
7Yasser, Hamdan8122261JOR1667
8Al Nofli, Mohammed Saif22001352OMA1632
9Hamid, Gulzar7828802PAK1624
10Al Hasani, Thabit22015558OMA1618
11Manssour, Ibrahim11523140PLE1401
12Al Hanai Asad,OMA0
13Al Harthi, Hamza Rashid22027483OMA0
14Alalawi Abdurhman,OMA0
15Alyahai Mohammed,OMA0
16fahad alnaaimi,OMA0
17muhammed abd alaziz,OMA0