X Obert Memorial Doctor Vallve 2024 Club Escacs Cornella

Organizer(s)Xavier Solera Castellano 32068280
FederationCatalonia ( CAT )
Tournament directorNicolas Plaza Arcos 22243992
Chief ArbiterXavier Solera Castellano
Time control (Standard)90 minutes + 30 seconds (90' + 30")
LocationPatronat Cultural i Recreatiu (PCR) Cornella de llobregat
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/09/30 to 2024/11/25
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 22.10.2024 01:41:44, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Solera Castellano

Tournament selectionObert, Tancat N/F
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 4, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4/9 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes
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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKSanglas Clariana Josep2228CAT 48w1 27b1 15w1 8b1438,57,54,5
2FMPicanol Alamany Antoni2206CAT 49b1 26w1 16b1 7w037108,54,5
3FMFernandez Diaz Cristian2201CAT 50w1 29b1 17w1 10b1429,58,55,5
4CMPaquico Rodriguez Ivan2183CAT 51b1 31w1 19b½ 9w½39107,55
5FMEscandell Mari Juan Carlos2168CAT 52w1 35b0 43w1 37b024097,54,5
6FMCapellades Subirana Marc2167CAT 53b1 34w1 21b1 13w½3,558,584,5
7MKCano Sevilla Ivan2137CAT 54w1 37b1 35w1 2b14111,596
8Garnica Nebot Esteve2117CAT 55b1 38w1 22b1 1w0361195
9Garcia Escoda Marc2073CAT 56w+ 41b½ 64w1 4b½3109,585
10Miguel Centeno David2070CAT 57b1 40w1 42b1 3w038108,54,5
11Sort Sererols Josep2056CAT 58w1 -0 40b½ 47b12,5317,563
12MKSerrano Aspa Xavier2021CAT 59b1 42w0 44b1 19w131786,54
13MKCastaner Harster Xavier1962CAT 60w1 43b1 75w1 6b½3,549,584,5
14Aparicio Del Moral Jesus Omar1951MEX -0 93w1 49b½ 52b½2477,563,5
15Exposito Cabrera Joaquin1948CAT 61b1 44w1 1b0 34w13148,57,53,5
16MKOliver Martinez-Fornes Carlos1938CAT 62w1 47b1 2w0 35b½2,52597,54,5
17Padros Martinez Albert1926CAT 63b1 46w1 3b0 38w13158,57,53,5
18MKVallbona Domingo Joan1926CAT 64w½ 45b1 41w½ 39b½2,521107,55
19Fernandez Martin Lluis1921CAT 65b1 71w1 4w½ 12b02,5229,58,55,5
20Garnica Nebot Francesc1920CAT 67w1 75b0 47w½ 64b01,5638,574,5
21Delgado Jurado Andres1919CAT 68b1 72w1 6w0 41b½2,527873,5
22Perez Llinares Luis1919CAT 69w1 79b1 8w0 51b023997,54,5
23Tebar Ramon Miquel1915CAT 70b½ 80w½ 51b- 65w1250763,5
24Gallego Montes Antoni1914CAT 71w0 67b½ 80b1 49w12,5268,574,5
25Chavero Trujillo Luis1903CAT 72b- 63w1 55b0 68w12467,56,53,5
26Ramos Roldan Miquel Angel1894CAT 73w1 2b0 50w1 54b02428,57,54,5
27Jordan Garcia Jose Maria1893CAT 74b1 1w0 59b0 70w½1,5628,57,53,5
28Barot Lavin Carlos1892CAT 75w0 69b1 54w0 76b124486,53,5
29Esteve Cantero Marc1892CAT 76b1 3w0 61b1 -02359,58,54,5
30Espuny Vinye Ramon1892CAT 77w1 -0 68b1 42w1319763
31Romeu Perulles Jaume1890CAT 78b+ 4b0 58w1 75b131886,53,5
32Garcia I Riera Josep1885CAT 79w0 73b1 60w+ 55w024386,53,5
33Tebar Ramon Juan Bosco1879CAT 80b½ 70w½ 71b½ 59w12,52986,54
34Tejedor Cros Andreu1875CAT 81w1 6b0 62w1 15b023898,55
35Parayre Soguero Jordi1871CAT 82b1 5w1 7b0 16w½2,520108,54,5
36Muhammad Shiekh Ali1864CAT 83w½ 64b0 81w1 67b01,5667,574,5
37Martinez Rodriguez Jose Gregorio1852VEN 84b1 7w0 70b1 5w131397,53,5
38He Hao Jue1842ESP 85w1 8b0 79w1 17b02369,585
39Muntane Aznar Juan Manuel1841CAT 86b0 65w1 72b1 18w½2,532763,5
40Mestres Gonzalez David1826CAT 87w1 10b0 11w½ 71b01,5569,58,55,5
41Garcia Garcia Gabriel Javier1820CAT 88b1 9w½ 18b½ 21w½2,52397,55
42Vivancos Munoz Manuel1820CAT 89w1 12b1 10w0 30b02349,59,56
43Grau Beltran Eduard1820CAT 91b1 13w0 5b0 72w½1,5716,56,53
44Benet Saniger Xavier1817CAT 92w1 15b0 12w0 69b½1,56487,54,5
45Aparici Dealbert Manel1815CAT 93b½ 18w0 83b1 84w12,5307,563,5
46Romaguera Garcia Jose Luis1813CAT 94w1 17b0 -0 73w01787,574
47Dominguez De La Haba Emilio1809CAT 95b1 16w0 20b½ 11w01,568774
48Costa Trave Jaume1803CAT 1b0 68w0 84b0 90w118176,52,5
49Bise Fenoy Jordi1799CAT 2w0 77b1 14w½ 24b01,559985
50Esteban Lupianez Jose Miguel1798CAT 3b0 74w1 26b0 80w0173984
51Bures Amat David1797CAT 4w0 78b1 23w+ 22w131297,54,5
52Paez Nunez David1790CAT 5b0 84w½ 93b1 14w½2487,563,5
53Madrid Sole Pedro1785CAT 6w0 81b½ 67w0 83b00,5878,584,5
54Chrabalowski Gustavo1776ARG 7b0 88w1 28b1 26w13119,584
55Arranz Penalba Sergio1775CAT 8w0 87b1 25w1 32b1316874
56Mestres Pamies Xavier1773CAT 9b- -0 -0 -0090763,5
57Salvador Gomez Jesus Francisco1773CAT 10w0 89b1 -0 74w12516,56,53,5
58Varela Cuadrado Cesar1772CAT 11b0 90w1 31b0 86w½1,5608,585
59Perello Rosello David1771CAT 12w0 92b1 27w1 33b02457,574
60Boloix Pahissa Xavier1771CAT 13b0 91w1 32b- 77b1249773,5
61Rodriguez Quiroga Jose1771CAT 15w0 94b1 29w0 78b01748,585
62Peris Morte Joaquim1765CAT 16b0 95w1 34b0 94w1255552,5
63Marques Soriano Valentin1758CAT 17w0 25b0 87w1 79b01758,57,54,5
64Alquezar Mancho Renato1754CAT 18b½ 36w1 9b0 20w12,52886,54
65Espinosa Garcia Carles1751CAT 19w0 39b0 89w1 23b01767,57,55
66Clanchet Olle Josep1748CAT -0 -0 -0 -0091763,5
67Tortosa Moros Joan1745CAT 20b0 24w½ 53b1 36w12,53365,53
68Salazar Navas Josep1740CAT 21w0 48b1 30w0 25b01729,58,55
69Cabrera Marmol Manuel1740CAT 22b0 28w0 85b1 44w½1,57075,53,5
70Sarabia Jacome David1739CAT 23w½ 33b½ 37w0 27b½1,5589,585
71Lopez Buil Jesus1725CAT 24b1 19b0 33w½ 40w12,52497,55
72Salvador Munoz Jose Maria1724CAT 25w+ 21b0 39w0 43b½1,56586,54
73Ortega Mendoza Josep1722CAT 26b0 32w0 88b+ 46b12545,553
74Villa Cardenas Jorge1721CAT 27w0 50b0 92w1 57b01845,552,5
75Madrid Sole Antonio1713CAT 28b1 20w1 13b0 31w02379,584,5
76Ilari Valenti Joan1703CAT 29w0 -0 90b1 28w018076,54
77Cuxart Taltavull Albert1700CAT 30b0 49w0 91b1 60w01777,57,54
78Julbe Colom Lluis1690CAT 31w- 51w0 95b1 61w1253663,5
79Reyes Rodriguez Cesar1660CAT 32b1 22w0 38b0 63w12526,55,53,5
80Ferre Arechaga Hector1656CAT 33w½ 23b½ 24w0 50b12418,57,55
81Vazquez Sanchez Juan Antonio1647CAT 34b0 53w½ 36b0 93w00,5885,553
82Girona Flores Ladislau1638CAT 35w0 -0 -0 -0092763,5
83Valladares Cobo Juan1615CAT 36b½ -0 45w0 53w11,56976,54
84Casas Roig Miquel1602CAT 37w0 52b½ 48w1 45b01,5618,57,54,5
85Vaque Creus Ramon1587CAT 38b0 -0 69w0 89b11825,55,53,5
86Febrero Perez Lluis1581CAT 39w1 -0 -0 58b½1,5579,585
87Garrido Galbas Jordi1562CAT 40b0 55w0 63b0 91w11835,55,52,5
88Mansa Morales Javier1541CAT 41w0 54b0 73w- 95w1179774
89Garrido Casas Marc1524CAT 42b0 57w0 65b0 85w0093763,5
90Campos Recuenco Francisco1518CAT -0 58b0 76w0 48b00946,55,53
91Casanova Gracia Jordi1447CAT 43w0 60b0 77w0 87b0095652,5
92Navarro Macías Francisco1700CAT 44b0 59w0 74b0 -11864,54,52,5
93Sayol Santamaria Ignasi1700CAT 45w½ 14b0 52w0 81b11,5677,574,5
94Vazquez Munoz Rodrigo1700CAT 46b0 61w0 -1 62b018554,52,5
95Lillo Martinez Meritxell1677CAT 47w0 62b0 78w0 88b00897,563,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)