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Que Bar Blitz Sunday 2.4 Easy sunday

Senast uppdaterad30.06.2024 19:46:51, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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1CMGumpo, Thabo11300353BOT2033
2Monnaatsheko, Keletshabile11302941BOT2021
3CMMosutha, Thuso11302550BOT2013
4Kealeboga, Baone11300302BOT1977
5Sebetlela, Gaasite11318716BOT1969
6Bayani, Kuda11305924BOT1944
7Bontsi, Chazha11300264BOT1871
8Pule, Frank11304871BOT1859
9WIMFrancis, Onkemetse11301287BOT1856
10Modisane, Thompson11301430BOT1856
11Thekiso, Yaone11309652BOT1854
12Baane, Tumisang11305797BOT1842
13Nkgabane, Ogorogile11305487BOT1822
14Gothusaone, Laolang11318007BOT1801
15Muzeu, Jacob11301465BOT1740
16Beast, ThapeloBOT0
17Mpene, Kelly PandoraBOT0