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Aley Rapid chess Tournament 2024 (age categories) U16

Senast uppdaterad30.06.2024 14:36:45, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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1wehbi, roy sabr5323177lbn1710
2garabet, charbel5323559lbn1634
3arkadan, abed el rahman5309689lbn1629
4jaber, majd5323991lbn1618
5al jurdi, ribal5324343lbn1519
6daoud, serine11512407ple1491
7aoun, marounlbn0
8ayache, moemenlbn0
9Chahine, Karim Rabih5324599LBN0
10el khatib, hayalbn0
11hatoum, kamillbn0
12hijazi, hadi5326150lbn0
13kabalan, alilbn0
14kassem, hadilbn0
15kharboush, tialbn0
16kharrat, albashir5326060lbn0
17khoury, zahilbn0
18mrad, mohamadlbn0