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Aley Rapid chess Tournament 2024 (age categories) U12

Last update 30.06.2024 09:36:27, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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1Chami, Amir5324610LBN1633
2atayan, michel5317606lbn1575
3el khoury, antonio5324220lbn1537
4kobeissey, jessica5320623lbn1527
5hamdan, hasanlbn1503
6nassif, elie5312795lbn1458
7abbas, alilbn0
8al jawhary, joellelbn0
9faytarouni, abdallahlbn0
10faytarouni, ahmadlbn0
11ghazzawi, yasminelbn0
12hadla, hadilbn0
13hage, lydialbn0
14haidoura, ali5325498lbn0
15ibrahim, yara ghassanlbn0
16jaber, danny chakiblbn0
17kaafrani, nour mohamadlbn0
18kontar, ryanlbn0
19masri, mohamadlbn0
20mawla, souadlbn0
21moustafa, farahlbn0
22nassif, georgelbn0
23rammal, celenalbn0
24salamy, wissamlbn0
25samia, georges roylbn0
26singer, khalillbn0
27tleis, adamlbn0
28tleis, jadlbn0
29yehya, yassarlbn0
30zaidan, abdul kaderlbn0