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Aley Rapid chess Tournament 2024 (age categories) U10

Last update 30.06.2024 09:35:43, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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1Salem, Ralph5318190LBN1667
2baydoun, radwan5320712lbn1542
3atayan, carlo5318327lbn1455
4Karout, Al Horr5324009LBN1439
5daoud, mohammed11519070ple0
6el barakeh, mohamadlbn0
7el hajj chehade, yasminelbn0
8el khalil, alilbn0
9el khoury, jean pierre5324238lbn0
10el khoury, jio5326982lbn0
11el rayes, adam ghassanlbn0
12ghandour, julianlbn0
13kaafarani, majdlbn0
14kaafrani, rayanlbn0
15kaawash, alaalbn0
16kharrat, alnasser5326079lbn0
17matar, christlbn0
18nassif, marc jacoblbn0
19radwan, houssamlbn0
20ramadan, yaralbn0
21saliba, charbel jeanlbn0
22singer, issalbn0
23youssef, mohammad jawadlbn0