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Aley Rapid chess Tournament 2024 (age categories) U08

Last update 30.06.2024 09:34:17, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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1Karout, Manessa5324017LBN1417
2al jawhary, jadlbn0
3ayad, adnanlbn0
4bazzi, jawadlbn0
5el hajj chehade, adamlbn0
6el halabi, siennalbn0
7el halabi, wassimlbn0
8el khoury, joseph5326974lbn0
9fakih, eliaslbn0
10ibrahim, youssiflbn0
11Itani, Ahmad5321689LBN0
12kaafarani, jadlbn0
13kaafrani, sarilbn0
14mawla, saralbn0
15rammal, karimlbn0
16wehbe, samlbn0
17Younes, Youssef5324130LBN0
18zabad, jawadlbn0