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Jornada 19 Liga Pegaso II - Inicial

Last update 29.06.2024 23:32:14, Creator/Last Upload: AO Rodolfo González Mosso

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Starting rank list

1Reyes, Calixto Maria FernandaMEX1187Pegaso
2Martinez, Morales SamuelMEX1120Pegaso
3Castanon, Rojas Inti TumainiMEX1075Pegaso
4Dircio, Romero Said SantiagoMEX1037Pegaso
5Juarez, Prado Cielo NahomiMEX1013Pegaso
6Ordonez, Sierra Ixchel MaylenMEX1005Pegaso
7Acevedo, Vazquez NatalyMEX1000Pegaso
8Vazquez, Sanchez ItzayanaMEX1000Pegaso