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CLUB 64 - Campeonato Juvenil

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 23:24:40, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez Biblioteca Franklin San Juan

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1Rojas, Lautaro1764U14Club 64
2Escobar, Lautaro Exequiel1667U18Club 64
3Carballo, Blas1406U12Club 64
4Feldman, Mariano1324U16Club 64
5Gunter, Bernabe1175U14Club 64
6Gunter, Bautista1170U14Club 64
7Salvatierra Bellagamba, Santino1032U10Club 64
8Senco, Zoe1017U20Club 64
9Chavez, Maximo901U14Club 64
10Perez Bogado, Amparo898U10Club 64
11Jimenez Saientz, Leandro881U12Club 64
12Gallucci, Sebastian723U10Club 64
13Gallucci, Benjamin706U08Club 64
14Lupi Serres, Nicole695U12Club 64
15Burgos Villada, Matias Agustin0U16Club 64
16Castro, Olivia0U10Club 64
17Podazza, Simon0U20Club 64
18Navarro Lopez, Teo606U08Club 64