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Ritmo 25 min + 5 s.

torneo rapido 25+5 infantil 2012 CCLP 2024-06-29

Վերջին արդիացում30.06.2024 18:09:15, Creator/Last Upload: Tomas de Jesus Chavez Flores

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1Verdugo, Agundez Fernando GabrielMEX1518
2Gonzalez, Aguilar Pablo Azahel29642833MEX1493
3Rangel, Guzman Barbara29613663MEX1466
4Avila Urias, Mauro MiguelMEX0
5Barroso Mejia, Juan PabloMEX0
6Calleros Rojas, Adora HelenaMEX0
7Chiw Hayes, Felix AmadeusMEX0
8Cruz Gaynor, MarioMEX0
9Montes Macedo, Jose EdwinMEX0
10Murillo Garayzar, Andre AlejandroMEX0
11Quiroz Barajas, DiegoMEX0
12sanchez berber, IkerMEX0
13Suarez Rosell, Maria FernandaMEX0