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Chess academy "CHAMPION 3"

Posledná aktualizácia 30.06.2024 11:53:07, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Abdimitalipov, Abai13834738KGZ1896
2Sutulov, Yaroslav13847643KGZ0
3Usmanov, Ulugbek13802461KGZ1758
4Ibraimov, Bael13806777KGZ1745
5Boronbaev, Koshbai13838130KGZ1728
6Teshebaev, Zhumabai13833340KGZ1618
7Ibragimov, Aidar13844989KGZ1601
8Nurakhunov, Makhmud13836609KGZ1514
9Bektemir uulu, Kairatbek13832557KGZ1854