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Practice Tournament 30 June

Վերջին արդիացում30.06.2024 11:57:31, Creator/Last Upload: Joel Jalober Patropez

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Randhir, Kumar Singh25119222IND1573
2Prem, Kumar25151436IND1559
3Kumar, Shubham46660291IND1516
4Sunny, Kumar Singh25707140IND1414
6Abhishek Kumar,IND0
7Aditya Kumar,IND0
8Apoorav Singh,IND0
9Atharva Kumar,IND0
10Hamid Raza,IND0
11Jaif Hussain,IND0
13Kundan Kumar,IND0
14Mihir Srivastava,IND0
15Pratyaya Shree,IND0
16Radhesh Kumar,IND0
17Shourya Anand,IND0
18Shreyansh Sinha,IND0
19Shubham Kumar,IND0
20Sunny kumar Gupta,IND0
21Surya Pratap Singh,IND0
22Vijay Kumar,IND0
23Vishal Singh,IND0