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Darrera actualització29.06.2024 16:32:12, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Malawi Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Mkamanga, RumbaniMAW1937
2Chirwa, InnocentMAW1869
3Msendema, WillardMAW1843
4shaba, martinMAW1832
5Soko, SekoMAW1800
6Kalua, EmmanuelMAW1798
7Longwe, WinstonMAW1769
8Mhango, AdrianMAW1755
9Kumwenda, ChizaMAW1753
10Mwakikunga, BonifaceMAW1750
11Jere, josephMAW1734
12Mkandawire, MosesMAW1728
13Mambulasa, MartinMAW1695
14Phiri, VincetMAW1689
15Chisunkha, EmmanuelMAW1683
16Banda, BonifaceMAW0
17Banda, FrancisMAW0
18Banda, HowardMAW0
19Bukani, SyskeMAW0
20Chilambo, DelightMAW0
21Gerald, ibrahimMAW0
22kachere, cyrusMAW0
23Kaunda, SymeonMAW0
24Keys, JohnMAW0
25kondowe, danielMAW0
26Mtambo, ChanceMAW0
27Ngwira, sherifMAW0
28Phiri, FortuneMAW0
29silumbu, blessingsMAW0
30sinyiza, solomonMAW0
31theu, mzatiMAW0