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ALJASE VI maleturniir 2024

Darrera actualització30.06.2024 13:03:24, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Estonian Chess Support Organization

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Rànquing inicial

1Lokotar, Erkki4500245EST2204
2MKVaher, Eino4506740EST2120
3Kauppala, PekkaEST2026
4Nassar, Askold4504747EST1923
5Uurits, Karel4505107EST1714
6Murutalu, Aavo4507282EST1713
7Niinepuu, Elmar4506260EST1666
8Kalvet, Tonu4505280EST1622
9Hiie, Hendry4526430EST1584
10Uuspold, Ain4514394EST1539
11Polendik, Tiina4503830EST1508
12Aljas, Kalle4514386EST1496
13Jarvelaid, Tonu4522044EST1461
14Aljas, Enno4526228EST1280