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Last update 28.06.2024 23:20:31, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank

1Vargas, Soberanes Cesar GabrielMEX1632Queretaro
2Wu, Liang David JintaoMEX1562Queretaro
3Arellano Labarrere, Lothar MateoMEX0
4Campillo Quintero, Frnacisco JoseMEX0
5Guerrero Perez, LeonardoMEX0
6Mondragon Olvera, IsraelMEX0
7Mora Jimenez, Luis JesusMEX0
8Morales Lopez, AaronMEX0
9Nava Garcia, Mateo SantiagoMEX0
10Perez Hernandez, AbrahamMEX0
11Robledo Ledesma, Juan PabloMEX0
12Silva Magana, MatiasMEX0
13Vega Uribe, Angel ManuelMEX0