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Last update 28.06.2024 23:17:41, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank

1Ayala, Ruiz AldoMEX1484Queretaro
2Alvarado Tinoco, BenjaminMEX0
3Caballero Perez, LeonardoMEX0
4Campillo Quintero, Jose AngelMEX0
5Cruz Vergara, Francisco MateoMEX0
6Garcia Ramirez, OsvaldoMEX0
7Manjarrez Dorantes, SebastianMEX0
8Mendez Gonzalez, Jared MatiasMEX0
9Montoya Gonzalez, AdrianMEX0
10Morales Avila, Axel YoelMEX0
11Nava Garcia, Pablo EmilianoMEX0
12Penaloza Cardenas, Ian SantiagoMEX0
13Perez Galvez, Jorge EmilioMEX0
14Vega Uribe, Diego AlexisMEX0