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2do Gran Torneo de Ajedrez Ocongate 2024 Categoria A

Posledná aktualizácia 28.06.2024 19:51:51, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ TAWANTINSUYO

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Štartová listina

1Apaza Mesa, LionelPER0Corazon de Jesus
2Apaza Samata, MaycolPER0Chacachinpa
3Arriaga Condori, NIjaPER0
4Crispin Mandura, Flor LucianaPER0
5Crispin Mandura, Yago RodrigoPER0
6Huanca Meza, AbelPER0Escuela de Chacachimpa
7Jaquisto Machaca, Gleny ChaskaPER0Andayaje
8Machaca Castilla, YasmaniPER0Ocongate
9Quispe Luna, Yordi AaronPER0Corazon de Jesus de Ocongate
10Sabino Aparicio, KenyiPER0Ocongate