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Gran Torneo de Ajedrez Ocongate 2024 Categoria C

Posledná aktualizácia 28.06.2024 19:26:57, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ TAWANTINSUYO

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Štartová listina

1Condori Ppacsi, NievesPER0Sagrado Corazon
2Condori Yupanqui, AydePER0
3Edit Ester Achahui Chillihuani,PER0
4Huallpa Quispe, Enoc AbelPER0
5Huanca HUaraya, EdisonPER0Colegio Sr. de Ccoylluritti de Ocon
6Mark Adams Crispin Hancco,PER0
7Quispe Gonzalo, KattyPER0CRFA
8Quispe Yupa, Jhon AngelPER0
9Rios Achahue, Jorge LuisPER0Sagrado Corazon de Tinke
10Ronal Fredy Larico Chillihuani,PER0
11Tupa Condori, OscarPER0Micaela Bastidas
12Yucra Chillihuani, EversonPER0