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Café el speta Beisl-Blitz 07/2024

Last update 06.07.2024 14:59:27, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

11GMDiermair, Andreas1612468AUT2424Sv Raika Rapid Feffernitz
4IMSchwabeneder, Florian Mag.1626191AUT2410Sv Grieskirchen
1CMNeff, Gregor Ing.1613910AUT2103Tschaturanga
5Devine, Christopher1024957NED2048Tschaturanga
10Ramoser, Mario1687557AUT2007Sv Floridsdorf
3Brüll, Georg Mag.1620681AUT1984Sc Donaustadt
12Biermann, Robert16220218GER1920Tschaturanga
6Dahlem, Michael Dr.12967319GER1900
2Kaufmann, Robert Mag.1677098AUT1721
7Schwarhofer, Barbara1614401AUT1718Tschaturanga
9Özdemir, Mehmet Hakan26381249TUR1616Tu Wien
8Straub, GeorgAUT0